
Wrappers are a nice example of a reusable win, as it's something we create once, and then we can reuse it over and over throughout a project.

It's basically a utility class in that regard.

The more things like that we can find early on in a project, the more time we save later on.

But we do want to strike a balance.

As I mentioned earlier, we could simply create utility classes for everything, which are very reusable... but it creates maintenance issues as well, especially when you aren't working with a component based JS framework.

Take some time to explore the layout more, and look for things that you could make classes for that would be reusable.

Not all of these apply specifically to this project:

  • Text alignment
  • Spacing
  • Colors (background and text colors)
  • Shadows
  • Border radii
  • Simple components
    • Different styles of links
    • Buttons
  • Etc.

Different projects will have different things that you might find useful, and different people will have a different balance for how many utilities they might want to use.

Take some time to think of what might be useful as we go through the homepage.